vineri, 18 iulie 2008

7 ianuarie 1979 - on Earth -

Era intr-o duminica! Ce s-a intamplat atunci? Hai sa vedem ....


Number-one song in the charts (january 1979)

In the USA:
"Too Much Heaven" by Bee Gees
In the UK:
by The Village People

Oscar of the best picture in 1979

directed by Robert Benton

with Dustin Hoffman (Ted Kramer), Justin Henry (Billy Kramer) and Meryl Streep (Joanna Kramer)

TIME Magazine cover

(TIME Cover: December the 4th, 1978)

Famous people born on the 7th of January:

1 BC (O.S.) - Jesus of Nazareth, central figure of Christianity, date celebrated by Eastern Orthodox churches as Christmas (d. circa 30) (Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25 according to the Julian Calendar, which for now coincides with January 7 on the Gregorian Calendar, but this will eventually shift.)
1502 - Pope Gregory XIII (d. 1585)
1844 - Bernadette Soubirous, French saint (d. 1879)
1912 - Charles Addams, American cartoonist (d. 1988)
1938 - Roland Topor, French illustrator (d. 1997)
1941 - John E. Walker, English chemist, Nobel Prize laureate
1964 - Nicolas Cage, American actor, director, and producer

The Nobel Peace Prize 1979

Mother Teresa

Leader of Missionaries of Charity, Calcutta

Designed in 1979

The Armchair, Model No. PK15
by Poul Kjærholm

Rolling Stone Magazine cover

Richard Dreyfuss (illustration) / Rolling Stone Magazine Vol. 281/282, December 28, 1978

Average price of a dozen eggs in 1979 (USA)


Un comentariu:

  1. Ai uitat sa mai treci un eveniment important care a avut loc la acea data: ...te-ai nascut tu!!!!!!!my friend
